Home » Things To Expect In An English International School

Things To Expect In An English International School

B&T - Dutch International Schools (foto: © Tycho Müller | Tycho's Eye Photography)

Going to school is not easy because many things that are not limited to practical knowledge go on inside it. If it is your first time, then it could be all the more scary; as such, to help you, we will be giving some things that you should expect inside an english international school hong kong; here are some of them:

Diverse Student Body

The first thing that may capture one’s attention if they were to study at an English international school is the fact that the learners are from different parts of the world. These schools are popular among families who want their children to receive education in a friendly international environment. It will also enable your child to interact with classmates and learn from them being of a different social caliber. This increases understanding of global interconnectivity and that people are different and have unique cultures, which is useful in the current multicultural society.

High-Quality Education

English international schools are synonymous with having the high academic standards required in any school. They can offer prestigious programs such as the International Baccalaureate or use the British curriculum. These programs stress critical and creative thinking skills and an attitude to learning. Regarding thinking processes, students can question and reason independently and acquire scholarly insights into the topics taught in school.

Qualified Teachers

The teachers at English international schools are commonly very qualified and well-trained, and they must meet all the standards that are in place. Many have teaching experience in their countries of origin and thus have much knowledge to impart to the students. They are enthusiasts of a specific subject and committed to assisting individual learners to excel in every facet. Teacher-student interaction is more individualized, and teachers are willing to lend their ears to each student’s learning problems and achievements.

Modern Facilities

You won’t be disappointed with first-rate infrastructure, as may be assumed with an English international school. Schools have modern facilities and learning aids, especially the teaching tool. Classrooms, computer centers, laboratories, artrooms and games and sports complexes to give a healthy growth. Such state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities ensure that students get all they may require during their course tenure based on their academic and co-curricular bent of mind.

Extracurricular Activities

The social aspect of education is also very important in the life of English international schools, and it is manifested in extracurricular activities. There are numerous options students can participate in – team games, music, arts, and clubs. It is hoped through such activities, they can learn new things, discover their interests and create bonds of friendship. They also refine the process of teamwork, leadership and time management among the crew members.

Language Support

Regarding services for students, it is also important to note that language assistance should ideally be provided for a student whose first language is not English. English international schools know the different learning difficulties that can appear due to the existence of another language and, therefore, offer assistance to improve language outcomes.


Being aware of what is out there can allow one to arrive at the best decision regarding the education of our children so as to provide them with the best chance of an enriching and fruitful learning experience.